
The Volume Factor – The Missing Piece: Goals-Based Investment Strategies to Achieve Successful Investment Outcomes

(Fort Wayne, IN) June 14th, 2024 – This compelling guide breathes life into the convergence between behavioral finance and goals-based planning. In this work, award-winning market analyst Buff Dormeier unveils proprietary insights demonstrating volume is not merely indispensable data or just a leading indicator, but the undiscovered investment factor. “Volume is the monarch of all investment factors, the one that rules them all, as an enlightened perspective of capital flows empowers effective tactical positioning, – Buff Dormeier, CMT

The Volume Factor pioneers a new approach evoking a new era of investment strategies. Dormeier’s research equips tactical investors to thrive in bull markets while safeguarding capital during bear markets. In this way, the Volume Factor serves as the missing piece to achieving financial goals. The volume factor facilitates tactical asset allocation via:

Volume Factor Offenses – Build insights on how to implement a prolific offense with volume momentum to outrun the Bulls.

Volume Factor Defenses – Discover how to build a championship defense by identifying capital flow trends to mitigate risk and navigate bear markets.

Volume Factor Special Teams – Learn to identify the genesis of bull market cyclesthrough volume sentiment to swiftly transition from defense back to offense.

Showcasing Dormeier’s groundbreaking analytics, The Volume Factor challenges the belief that certain investment goals are unattainable. This essential guide equips investors to actively participate during market upswings and securely reposition themselves during downturns. The book blends extensive research, expert perspectives, and actionable strategies, providing the tools needed to navigate uncertain markets with goals-based investment strategies. Embrace cutting-edge market analysis as The Volume Factor unveils a new realm of understanding to empower informed decision-making.

About: Buff Pelz Dormeier, CMT, is a leading authority and innovator in the field of volume analysis. He is the Chief Technical Analyst at Kingsview Investment Management, the internal portfolio management group of Kingsview Wealth Management and an Index Specialist with Monarch ETFs. Dormeier authored 2012’s Technical Analysts Book of the Year. As an analyst Buff secured 2007 ‘s Charles H Dow Award and 2024 American Society of Business and Behavioral Science Best Paper Award. And as a portfolio manager he won 2023‘s Technical Analyst’s Best Product Research Award. With over 30 years of experience, he expertly manages tactical investment strategies for financial advisors, family offices, institutions, trusts, and endowments, https://buffdormeier.com/

About Morgan James: publishes trade quality titles designed to educate, encourage, inspire, and entertain readers with current, consistent, relevant topics that are available everywhere books are sold.  (www.MorganJamesPublishing.com)

Contact info@BuffDormeier.com to request an interview or an appearance with Buff

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